Thursday, September 1, 2011

a good week

This truly has been a good week, slow, but good.  First, a majority of the Midwest was able to catch a rain shower at the beginning of the week.   It is amazing what a few tenths of rain will do for the lawn, the crops, and even the soul.  Before Monday's storm it had been almost two weeks time since Iowa or Nebraska received rain.  One of the things I love about thunderstorms is lying in bed listening to the rain on the window and distant roll of thunder.  What I do not enjoy is waking up to water dripping from my ceiling to my bathroom floor because it was raining so hard!!!  But in this case, I guess you have to take the good with the bad.  

Because of the absence of rain over the past weeks, the yield outlook for the Midwest corn crop has really begun to drop.  This predicted drop in yields will present problems to both crop and livestock growers across the US and will eventually trickle down to the consumer with another hike in grocery prices.  But I am done dwelling on this depressing fact, because this post is about a good week, and good things in I'm done.

Second, I learned how to fab the front half of a pork carcass this week.  Growing up in Iowa, land of the oink, it was definitely something I needed to check off my meat science bucket list.  It made the morning go by quickly and I even got to try out my new knives!!  

Third, The Fort (the western store in Lincoln) is having their annual tent sale.  Boots, jeans, shirts, tack, and every western goodie imaginable is on sale.  Did I say just on sale??  I mean on CRAZY sale!!  A bunch of fellow grad students are planning to travel down to the store this afternoon; and all I have to say is good thing I got paid yesterday.

Fourth & Final, this whole week I have been planning for an epic weekend with family and friends!!!  It starts on Friday night with a bon fire at Chasen's house and making preparations  for our busy Saturday.  Saturday is the day (I hope) that I find that magical wedding dress.  We start the morning off with an appointment at 10 am, and another appointment at 1.  I am hoping to share mimosa's and homemade scones during our search, yum!!  Hopefully after a successful morning we will then head up to Ames to cheer on the Cyclones at their first game of 2011.  Planning for these events has been quite exhausting, so I can just imagine what I am going to feel like on Saturday night.  Then Sunday morning we are off to look at homes for sale (yes very exciting!!!) and maybe squeeze a boat outing in there somewhere....if we can.  Anyway, I am starting to think I better live by the motto: "you can sleep when your dead."

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

tis the season...

Football season that is!!  I am headed back to the great town of Ames this weekend for the Cyclones first game of the 2011 season.  After living in Nebraska for a year, there is truly one thing to appreciate about ISU football.  It's not the tradition, or the stadium design, it's not the intensity, or in Bo Pelini's case insanity, but one thing I love about ISU football is the tailgating lots!!!  We may not have fans that live, eat, sleep, and bathe in Cyclone football (unless you are my friend Matt) but at least we have plenty of green or concrete space to sprawl out and celebrate football season at it's best!!  And what better way to do that than heading to your local grocery store to buy beef!

Lucky for beef producers and the general economy, many teams will share their 2011 kickoff with Labor Day weekend.  Traditionally Labor Day weekend is the last surge in sales for steakable subprimals such as the Ribeye, Tenderloin, Sirloin, and Strip Loin.  I mean realistically what would a football game be without a juicy steak, salads, and cocktails.  Orrr if you are still a college student burgers, chips, and beer.  Whatever your forte, make sure you include beef in your tailgating menu or final summer grill-out this weekend.  If you are interested in intensifying your beef experience, check out Beef It's What's For Dinner for some amazingly simple beef recipes.  I promise you won't be let down. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

the beginning to the end

Fellow blog followers, I once again must apologize for the delay in my posts!  The last few weeks of August were owned by my younger sister visiting Lincoln, the Iowa State Fair, orienting new grad students to the meat lab, and trying to soak up the last few days of summer.  But now that summer has come to an end :( and classes have begun, my increased desk time should allow for me to write more often....hopefully.

This past Monday marked the "last first day of fall classes" for me (I say this optimistically in that my decision not to pursue a PhD will stay true).  I must admit it was a bitter sweet moment.  There is something about the end of August that makes one giddy about starting school again.  I can't really explain what the feeling is or where it comes from.  Maybe it's shopping for school supplies, buying new clothes, or seeing old friends again, or now that I think of it all-of-the-above.  Whatever the cause is, the effect is tremendous!  Although I am only enrolled in one course this fall, I am super pumped to learn about food microbiology (which is really saying something!).  

I also have the opportunity to be a Teacher's Assistant for the Animal Biological Systems course.  I know I admitted I was pumped about my Food Micro class, but I am simply ecstatic to have the opportunity to teach undergraduates in Animal Science!  It should be a fantastic opportunity to interact and impact students that are passionate about the livestock industry.  Tomorrow afternoon I will get to actively teach the class as the course professor is out of town for a professional meeting.  I am optimistic it will be a perfect opportunity for me to showcase the knowledge I gained from my ALEC course this summer, and have spent a majority of the afternoon lesson planning.  I must say I feel fairly prepared for tomorrow's class; I am sure I will stumble through the material....I just hope I don't fall.  

Wish me luck!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

hands on experience

Hello fellow blog followers! Sorry I have been absent for a few weeks, but this summer has been absolutely crazy!!!  Since my last post I have traveled home for my county fair, visited friends at Lake Okoboji, and completed lots coursework and research on top of that!  I never imagined this summer would go by so quickly, but must admit I am excited for classes to start.....maybe I am not ready to graduate quite yet :)

In a university setting, we often have time to hold workshops for students, producers and industry people.  This next week we will be hosting a workshop for Intervet and their employees  As a part of their workshop, attendees will evaluate both live cattle and beef carcasses, become BQA certified, participate in a taste panel, and much more.  I am ecstatic to help with the workshop and more importantly network with professionals in the industry.  In preparing for the workshop next week, the meat science group here at UNL needed to harvest four head of steers for one of the sessions.  With all professors gone, one grad student busy in the lab, and the other at a conference in Belgium, I was warranted my first opportunity to help with a beef harvest!

Prior to the start of our day, I had announced to the two gentlemen I would be working with I had little harvest experience, but understood the general concept.  I knew the day would be a challenge as I consider myself a timid learner.  After watching the skill and technique of my colleagues I finally gained confidence to help.  We began shortly before 8 am and did not finish cleanup until after 3.  Needless to say, my brain was fried and my legs were sore from being on my feet all day.  It was such a great experience, and I again must thank both Calvin and Derek for putting up with my "blondeness" as I like to call it.  

As I continue to go through grad school and life in general, I feel blessed to have new and exciting opportunities such as this.  Whether I gain applicable knowledge, have an engaged experience, or develop an  appreciation for people, I feel I always learn something, and in this opportunity I did all three!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

prime opportunity

This weekend I gratefully had the opportunity to catch up on some sleep and catch some rays!  Last Thursday evening I had my first opportunity to attend a new movie release in Lincoln.  It was the final film for the Harry Potter series (yes I am a slight nerd), and it was simply outstanding!!  It was such an experience to wait in line for 3 hours and 2 blocks, but seeing all the outfits and crazy HP fans, it was definitely worth it!

It was truly the experience of a lifetime, but some may call me foolish for doing so.  You see I had to be at a packing plant on Friday morning at 7 am.  And did I mention this plant was close to a 3 hour drive from Lincoln??  Needless to say, I did not get any sleep Thursday evening...I guess that is the price you pay while in grad school!  After leaving the movie theater, a fellow graduate student and I headed to campus to pack the car and headed west shortly after 3:30 am. 

We arrived at the plant shortly after 6 am and were welcomed with rendering's infamous smell.  It brought back the memories of my internship with Tyson Foods in Garden City, KS.  As a Junior at Iowa State I was beginning to formulate my career path and wanted a strong internship in the meat industry.  Not only did I accomplish this goal, but also gained an insight to the packing industry and an appreciation for the food system in the US.  Many Americans take our food production system and supply for granted.  The US has one of the safest food programs in the world, and did I mention the most economical??  For Americans 5% of disposable income is spent on buying food.  When compared to Europe (20% of disposable income) and the Middle East (50% of disposable income) we should feel blessed!!

It literally gives me chills every time I step foot in a packing plant.  Not because the harvesting of animals, but of the beauty and efficiency that lies within.  I used to spend hours on a catwalk over the kill floor at Garden City.  To some this may be obscene, but to me it was a choreographed dance that was so beautiful.  It had employees from different backgrounds, experiences, and cultures, but aside from their differences they were working together to supply the US and the globe with safe and wholesome beef to the rhythm of the chain.  

After a few short hours in the plant, we had successfully collected our data for my research project and headed back to Lincoln.  I am sooo excited my project is finally starting and in a few short months I will be able to share/explain the importance of research project to you as well as the beef industry!  

Thursday, July 14, 2011


This past weekend I traveled back to Iowa...again!!  My beautiful cousin Sarah married her boyfriend of 8 years on Saturday (and I thought I had it bad waiting for 4.5 years, yikes!)

I left Lincoln on Thursday evening, after my final class in ALEC 805.  Although I greatly enjoyed the Ag Ed and Leadership course, I am glad it is over.  Whoever thought summer classes were a good idea obviously did not take one!

Friday was a busy day for Chasen and I so we got up at 7:00.  He had hay to rake, and I needed to pack and do morning chores.  For those of you that don't know, Chasen and his brother Kirn raise show calves and replacement heifers.  This year at the Iowa State Fair Stevenson Farms will debut their stock at the prospect calf show!  I am super excited for them and can't wait for show day to roll around, although it will be here before we know it! 

Anyway, Friday morning I needed to sort off the three steer calves in practice of day weaning.  We have found this is least stressful for the calves as they are able to be reunited with their mommas in the evening.  Luckily two of the calves escaped from the pasture and were walking in the barn as I came out of the house!  I mean how does that happen?!  I must have supreme sorting skills!  Little did I know the third calf would present more of a challenge.

I brought the 5 cows and red calf, that I like to name Leon, into the corral.  At this time Tamra, Chasen's mom came out of the house to help.  Tamra in her pajama pants ran the gate while I successfully sorted off the calf from the cows.  I was feeling pretty good since it only took one real try.  We then moved a gate to herd the calf into the barn and he strolled right in.  We were so busy celebrating our success that we didn't see 50P creeping up to the gate. Next thing I know she pushes the gate over and joins the calves in their stalls.  OMG!!!  A mere diaster was now upon our hands!!  I could hear Kirn and Chasen yelling at us because the panels would get knocked over, wood chips strewn across the barn, and even worse escapees from the North side of the barn!  It took us a few minutes and with barking cheers from Roxie (my adorable corgi I had been holding this entire time!) we were able to shoo 50P back into the corral as Chasen was driving up the lane. 

Man what a day and it was only 9:00! Tamra and I shared a good laugh as we walked back to the house to get some coffee. 

From this experience and others, I have learned no matter the skill or knowledge level, a helping hand is always valued on the farm.  I must say I was sure glad to have Tamra's that morning!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

in the heat of it all

Well I can finally say summer is here!!  This past week in both Eastern Nebraska and Southern Iowa temps have been in the 90s with the heat index.  Although I must admit this weather is perfect for tanning, boating, swimming, grilling, and all the latter, it sure makes for hot work during haying.

Today Chasen was able to mow the second cutting of alfalfa.  It is crazy to think at this time last year many farmers and ranchers in the Midwest were getting around to doing their first cutting.  Alfalfa hay is an important part to cattle farming in the Midwest as it is the cows main feed source during the winter.  Making sure the hay is cut mid-afternoon (a point in time at which the stems contain high amounts of sugar, yum), sun/wind-dried for a few days, raked, and bailed all before Mother Nature has a chance to rain on it can be a bit of a challenge!

Earlier this spring Chasen had bought both a mower and baler (I actually found the mower on Craig's List--who would have thought!).  It has been a bit of a learning process for Chasen and his brother, learning how to manage their time and machinery.  Good thing they have cousin Kyle around to help every now and then!

Being involved in a family farm, other than my Hosch farming roots sure brings a smile to my face.  Although farming with family can be challenging, it also has it's rewards.  The support, love, laughter, and passion that thrives in family farms cannot be found with any other occupation.  I am proud to say farming is a part of my heritage and has made me passionate and optimistic about a future in the industry.  But most importantly, I can't wait to start a farm family of my own, and to instill the work ethic and deep agriculture roots that have made me who I am!!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

getting started

As my official first "post" I am going to provide some background about me!

Hello and welcome to The Farmer's Gal blog!  My name is Justine and I am currently living in the lovely state of Nebraska working on my Master's of Science in the area of Meat Science.  The plans are to graduate next May, get married in July, and sometime in between find a job in Iowa!  I have been involved with production agriculture since the beginning and am not planning to shy away now!!  

I like to consider myself a non-traditional Meat Scientist.  Yes I do find the science and industry very interesting and have delved into learning about meat and muscle biology. But I see myself more suitable in the area of consumer or producer education.  I feel my background in beef production is well-rounded; a result of being raised on a cattle farm, various internships, coursework, and other opportunities I have been given in this industry.

As my life continues to unfold, I plan to share my story with my fellow farmers and future consumers.  I plan to post about my research project (when I figure out what exactly it is) and how it relates to the industry, work done on the farm, and of course wedding plans!  It is going to be a fun ride, so make sure you stick around to read about it :)

As a side note, I must admit I have been wanting to write a post for quite some time now, but have had trouble finding time, coming up with stuff to write about, and frankly just putting myself out there!  After attending the Reciprocal Meats Conference (RMC) this June and listening to Tracy Chapman, and her session titled: Just Ask a Woman - Women's Beef With Meat - an Emotional Look at Buying Beef, I realized there are more uncertainties about our industry than I could have ever imagined!  Being in academia and attending conferences, I continue to hear speakers and industry leaders tell us to "advocate our story, share with the world how we are producing safe and wholesome food".  I feel confident now to say I have felt the motivation and passion to do just so.  Over the past few months, I have acquired a taste for the blog world by following ranch chef and mother Ree Drummond (Pioneer Woman), Nebraska native Anne Burkholder (Feedyard Foodie), and my personal favorite Emily Webel (Confessions of a Farm Wife).  These ladies have found their own quirky way to tell the truths about agriculture and how it impacts their families every day!  I will still look to them for guidance as I begin to share my own personal relations with an industry I have become very fond of.

Please check back for more posts, and at the very least become a follower!  And as always, share your comments!!